

Searchable parcels


U.S. acreage


Layers for custom analysis


LandCommand is Galehead’s proprietary market intelligence and project siting software behind 15 GW of renewable resources under active development by Galehead and its downstream partners.

Site Selection

LandCommand works by combining an exhaustive database of market and site-level data with powerful search engine functionality. Through the dynamic user-interface, Galehead’s team can uncover risk factors and identify best-in-class project sites, allowing the company to move confidently and quickly.

How It Works

  • Real-time data visualization
  • Combination of data sources including market and site-level data
  • Layered analysis for more than 40 million parcels, 90% of the United States.
  • Custom queries and automated outputs

Key Benefits

For Landowners:

Ability to “manage expectations” and focus landowner conversations early in the relationship to areas within their property that are best suited for development.

For Green Label and Joint Development Partners:

Ability to execute highly targeted campaigns in any US market to generate and de-risk prospect sites for development investments.

For Capital Investors:

Ability to accelerate and de-risk early stage development investments and tighten pipeline conversion funnel.

Why It Matters

With a comprehensive suite of analytics at its fingertips, Galehead’s highly specialized development team can assess any variety of risk factors tailored to their market and project workflows throughout each stage of development.

Market Strategy

LandCommand’s market intelligence and siting capability is in the DNA of every Galehead project.

Patrick Martin

COO, Galehead Development

Key Takeaways

Rather than the conventional development method of brute force trial and error, Galehead created LandCommand to apply data throughout every stage of development process.

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The success of the Energy Transition relies on collaboration. Reach out to explore how we can accelerate project development.